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Friday, October 9, 2009

Does the mob control the game in Hollywood

Hollywood the greatest mob family of all time

Staff Writer


.www.streetroachpics.com .

The only difference between drug dealing and business is that business is legal. If the people that do legal business on a day to day did not have the laws, the legal business people would be shooting, fighting and killing too. In today's America, some business companies run like the mob and some are better then the mob.

Lets move into Hollywood, a town of smoke and mirrors but if the mirror is flashing on you correctly, the money is correct. If the smoke is on you, your money is getting taking. For example, in the case of Aisha vs Modanna. Modanna is a well known singer while Aisha is a Miami based song writer and singer. Allegedly Modanna , who has a record for slapping a 10 year old, stole from Aisha 300 page catalog. Aisha supports this information with the following statement.

Aisha stated, "Madonna couldn't direct traffic. Awkwardly walking around a London film site with a blank, confused look on one's face does not a director make. It shows. Based on information they have released about "Filth and Wisdom," she is stealing from my Copyrighted Catalog once again. It's gotten to a point now, that there are web sites online not affiliated with me, condemning her conduct, as people just don't believe her so called re-inventions anymore."

Allegedly , Modanna has a secert team that hacks into peoples computers and steals their information at will. Aisha gives support this theory and makes reference to this in a press release. If you read the following from the press release, you may gain some understanding.

Anthony Pellicano is Madonna's lawyer's now incarcerated private investigator, who terrorized people at the behest of wealthy and famous parties in Hollywood, who dubbed him "the sineater." Aisha stated, "Pellicano engaged in a variety of acts that violated numerous people's rights. However, questions need to be asked and charges brought against his famous employers, who cravenly paid him to terrorize innocent people, violate their privacy, break into their homes and cars, stalk and threaten them.

If that don't sound like the mob, one dose not know what it sounds like. To add fuel to the fire, the law enforcement top cop has information to lock up this people for good but, to get the information , you have to sue them. After you have sued the top cop, the top cop will give up their investigation information on the alleged Madonna crime family.

Another alleged crime family in the world of Hollywood is Lions Gates. Lions Gate organization outside of its corporate structure has a lot of connections and pay offs. Today , all the names will not be listed and the links will not be shown. Today, the story focus on Lions Gates using front men and changing a few world to sell movies and plays.

In 2008, Donna West sued Tyler Perry for stealing her play titled Fantasy of a Black Woman. West claims Dairy of Mad Black Woman was based on her play. West lost the case but like any famous crime families. The connections you have gain your influence or should one say the friends on your pay role does. To date, Daivd Whitehead has yet another lawsuit directed towards Tyler Perry and Lions Gate. This case is about to be heard soon but may face the same faith of West and Aisha. To understand how the law is won, we should go down memory lane.

If you recall at some point in this story, it stated the top cop had all the information to show proof that the law was broken and a crime family is in full operation but , the top cop is holding onto the information unless you sue them. One can say this is justice in America. The other factors are the friends on the pay role. Documents are showing up that various US judges have major stock in Lions Gate and have ruled on various Lions Gates cases. This is further proof that Hollywood is the GOAT mob family of all time.


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