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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Black in American Silicon Valley style: Was it a Joke?

Black in American Silicon Valley style: Was it a Joke?
Staff Writter

Lets start this article with congratulations to all the people that put their time effort to start websites in the past that I know of who happen to be black. For example, ebonyvoice.com was one. Ebonyvoices.com was run by a Detroit dude name Mike. Hmmm, what about destee.com. Destee.com has been around for years and somehow has lasted and has large traffic numbers to back it up. Oh, remember dude that start his site back when blackplanet.com launched and received some success but folded to make money by selling his code as software. Although many blacks have the skills and talents to develop sites during this time and currently, the price to keep it running was high at that time but ,it was less competitive. During his 2 year run, dude was keeping his site alive off donations. These are just a few examples of attempts by many to take part in a ve ry competitive game of the internet and technology.

Technology is the last resource that humans have that cannot be owned or monopolized. It changes as humans change. If you have the talent and vision, you can control the resource like a JP Morgan , or many other through out history that have used monopolies to gain wealth and power along with the influence over others to have impact their moral values and standards.

If we come up today, technology is still a resource but more of a commodity. For example, you can buy stuff off the shelf and use it to expand your influence or to profit from it. You first must gain the knowledge to exploit the technology.

For example, blogging or wordpress or etc. made it possible for want to be journalist or professional journalist to build an audience or fan base based on their talents as journalist. This lead to profits because of the readers or content that was presented. If it were not for the software or the technology or commodity , the journalist we know as bloggers would not be in the internet game today.

Although the major advertising efforts of this Blacks in America Silicon Valley was presented today, I would like to say that I am not too jealous. I am upset over the false presentation and failed efforts by the show to point out wrongs.

For example, there are n black ceo at technology companies hmmmmm. DO I have to list them? Oh F.ck , Ursula M. Burns is the head of Xerox. Is that not a black female and last time I check Xerox was a technology company. Hmmm, let me go on . William Teel, I know he is a little fat and round, but he is a CEO of Tech company he started. The list goes is long, but Soledad O'brien must goto work for a check and not creditability. You know if you have a Harvard degree behind or in front of your name, people let you get away with murder.

Well let me be the first to congratulate the cast on the free advertisement. Although, some of them I am aware off and others I am not. I will say crying wolf most work in the marketing world today. Or maybe, I just don't get it


free black community site
create your own social network
tags: blacks in technology,blacks in america cnn,

Posted via email from streetroachpics' posterous

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