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Showing posts with label better sex in marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label better sex in marriage. Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to keep live in your marriage or relationship

How to keep live in your marriage or relationship
Staff Writter

Keep the light bright in a long term relationship is hard to do. Many people have many answers. A brief guide is listed.

1. You can easily destroy your marriage if you don't communicate well with your partner. You have to stay in tune with each other, and the only way to do this is by sharing your joys, sorrows, concerns, and daily life with each other and listening carefully to what your partner has to say.

2. Cheating on your partner will also easily destroy the marriage. If you ever break your partner's trust, then you will have a very difficult time getting it back. A marriage without honesty and trust isn't going to survive very long.

3. If partners are unwilling to compromise with each other, and conflict can easily occur. In any working relationship, everyone involved needs to give and take. It is a huge mistake for one partner to try to get his or her way every single time. The partner who always has to give in isn't going to stay happy forever.

4. Your marriage can also be destroyed because of an irresponsible spending. Going deeply into debt is extremely stressful and can lead to many other problems.

5. If either party is 100% selfish, the relationship isn't going to work out. No one, no matter how strong a personality, can tolerate a self-centered spouse for long. Even the best partner will get tired of it.

6. You may be tempted to spend all of your time with each other in the beginning and even let many of your friends go, but this will cause problems down the line. It is necessary to spend time with different types of people instead of spending all of your time with only your partner.

7. Withholding sex is not going to be tolerated in this generation. Your partner will most likely find someone else to fulfill his or her needs if you make the mistake of withholding sex from them.

8. Do your best to avoid holding grudges against your partner. Try to work out all of your problems before going to bed angry.


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tags: how to save marriage relationship, better sex in marriage,marriage guide,

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