Staff Writter
4th Annual Black Women's Roundtable "Power of the Sister in 2012"
2 - 5 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 19 Room 146-B
The Black Women's Roundtable (BWR) will provide an update on what we need to do in the final 60 days to mobilize and protect the Black vote in the 2012 Election cycle. The BWR Power of the Sister Vote Guide (BWR Voter Guide) on where presidential and congressional candidates stand on issues important to Black women will be released. Co-hosted by The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF).
Rebuilding the Middle Class Through Organizing for Good Jobs
4 - 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 19 Room 146-C
This workshop will examine why some employers have chosen to respect the right of workers to organize while other employers have resorted to campaigns of fear that aim to silence workers trying to organize and on how elected and other civic leaders can support workers organizing in the face of fierce employer opposition. Sponsored by United Autoworkers.
Pssst! I Bet You Didn't Know! Prepaid Serving Specific Segments Today! How Prepaid Cards Can Work For You
10 a.m. - noon, Thursday, Sept. 20 Room 140-A
Join consumer advocates, policy makers, consumers, financial institutions and partners offering Prepaid Cards in a discussion on how prepaid cards are serving specific market segments and consumers today. Sponsored by Network Branded Prepaid Card Association.
Choose to Live: Sisters Strong Together-Diabetes and African American Women 10:30 a.m. - noon, Thursday, Sept. 20 Room 143-C
This workshop is designed to help African-American women take charge of their health. Experts will show you how small steps can make a big difference in how you look and feel. Sponsored by American Diabetes Association.
CBC MTA Small Business Sustainability Session
11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 20 Room 146-C
Participants will discuss current and future policies being developed to enhance job creation and diversification of the federal industrial base. Join us as we examine challenges faced by small and emerging businesses in federal contracting. Sponsored by Washington Premier Consulting.
Press Conference to release the 2012 State of the African-American Consumer Report 9 - 10:30 a.m., Friday Sept. 21 L-Street Bridge
This second installment of The State of the African-American Consumer Report will provide a deeper dive into important watch-and-buy behavioral trends of black consumers and a look at spending habits by generation and county. Sponsored by Nielsen Communicationsand the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA).
What It Takes to Improve Our Schools: The Reality Beyond the Rhetoric 9 - 11 a.m., Friday, Sept. 21 Room 146-C
In this workshop, examine the reality of what it takes to improve our schools based on evidence-not ideology about what "might" work-so that all children can receive a high-quality public education. Sponsored by American Federation of Teachers.
The 411 on Energy and Employment: Why All Americans Need to Be Part of the Conversation
10 a.m. - noon, Friday, Sept. 21 Room 146-A
This session will provide newly-gained insights into the opportunities available in the energy industry. Public policy leaders, industry experts and private decision makers will provide attendees with an up-close view of the various segments of the energy industry and career and business opportunities within these influential corporations. Special iPad giveaway! Sponsored by American Petroleum Institute
Encouraging Healthier Lifestyles Through Food and Nutrition 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 21
Room 146-C
This session will provide attendees with a snapshot of public and private sector initiatives to improve food and nutrition, and promote healthier lifestyles. The session will be broken into two parts -- a panel discussion with audience participation, followed by a cooking demonstration on healthy and affordable meals made simple. Sponsored by Walmart.
State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 21 Room 147-B
This forum brings an in-depth analysis of factual, historical and statistical data on minority markets to the forefront and shares frontline perspectives and solutions from practitioners on asset levels and wealth in African-American communities. The forum particularly focuses on the areas of foreclosure mitigation, neighborhood blight and natural disaster. Sponsored by National Association of Real Estate Brokers.
Replicating High-Quality African-American Led Charter Schools 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 21 Room 140-A
Attendees of this session will hear from leaders of high quality charter schools from across the country who have been successful implementing unique approaches to teaching while maintaining academic rigor. This panel discussion will be hosted by Joe Williams, Executive Director of Democrats for Education Reform. Sponsored by Education Reform Now Advocacy Inc.
How the LGBT Equality Movement Has Impacted Black America and the Media Landscape 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 21 Room 146-B
This unprecedented briefing of prominent journalists and media experts will examine how the president's affirmation of the freedom to marry has changed the media landscape, challenged the myth that Black people are 'more homophobic' than other racial groups, and opened up more doors to talk not just marriage, but other issues too such as economic justice, HIV/AIDS, and job discrimination. Sponsored by National Black Justice Coalition.
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tags: Congressional Black Caucus 2012,Congressional Black Caucus 2012 information,cbcf 2012,