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Showing posts with label esther baxter abusive relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label esther baxter abusive relationship. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2011

Who is Esther Baxter cause she telling her story?

Who is Esther Baxter cause she telling her story?
Staff Writter
Picture of Esther Baxter

Groupie tales from the credit card , the story continues. If you don't know the name Esther Baxter,you will after the book deal. Baxter was a fine chic with a nice body and looks and made the come up threw the video vixen game.

There is nothing wrong with the video vixen game. There plenty of suckers for booty out the like me. Hell, look at Joe Buddens. He is so upset with his ex broad . He made a track about her and made her famous once more with her having to show a butt cheek.

The moral of the story ladies and germs is relationships are not fantasy cause she looks good and, your dough is stacked. Relationships require work. I recommend the women and men view this video

tags: esther baxter lost child, ester baxter and joe buddens, esther baxter cheated with ,esther baxter abusive relationship,

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