Timothy W. Maier implied that a former mayor of Baltimore had a man Killed
Staff Writter
For some reason, the streets are talking about the murder of Robert Clay. Robert Clay was a minority contractor that made alot of money in the city of Baltimore. Clay was found dead at his companies office in 2005.
If anyone knows anything about construction contracts, many know it is a dirty game. You would never except Maryland's current governor name to come up in murder conspiracy theory. The sad part to this conspiracy is the association of a out of wedlock child and a hit run accident that still surrounds a current Governor name O'Malley. As you read this, pictures of this child are going to start showing up on the internet by summers ends another sad tune.
Timothy W. Maier, who is a report or blogger for the Baltimore Post-Examier, made the alleged association between O'Malley and Clay's murder. source
"A few years ago FBI agents walked into the Baltimore Examinerâs office on the 11th floor on Pratt Street for an interview about the Robert Lee Clay case. Clay died in his Baltimore office from a gunshot wound to the back of his head a few days after he agreed to blow the whistle on the cityâs minority contracts in an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner. Clay, a prominent Howard County minority businessman claimed he had enough information to prevent then-Mayor Martin OâMalley from becoming the next governor. A bullet ended that interview from taking place. "
Another story hit the net about Clays' death but , this one has some more anger in it
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